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4 Way to Document Your Fitness Journey

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Whether you are trying to lose, maintain, or gain weight, there are many factors that can cause your body weight to fluctuate. Keeping track of your fitness journey is crucial to your success. If you’re all set to get fit this year, take the first step by either getting yourself a fitness journal, downloading a fitness tracking app, or just do it the old-fashioned way with a spiral notebook. You may be asking yourself why should I bother doing that? Well, in this article I will be sharing my top five reasons why you should document your fitness journey.

Taking progress pictures

I can guarantee that you will be disappointed if you get to your goal and do not have a before and after picture to show how far you have come. Because you see yourself in the mirror every day, you won’t notice the changes in your body when the changes are happening so slowly. Taking pictures of yourself every month will definitely help you see the differences in your body composition. We always take pictures of our clients’ from the front, side, and back, to help them see the small changes in different parts of their bodies. Having a before and after picture of our clients will motivate them to keep pushing through their fitness journey and stay on track.

Tracking your workout

Writing out your workout before going to the gym is a great way to keep yourself accountable and helps you be more efficient at the gym. Writing out your goals in a fitness journal can keep you on track and give you the push you need to keep moving forward. It can also help you look back and see which workouts were most effective and help you adjust your routines for better results. We write out our client’s workouts before we meet them, this will give us time to look back at their past workouts and see which areas we can work on. Having a journal helps us adjust some variables such as sets, repetitions, tempos, and weight to continue challenging our clients as they reach their goals.

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Writing down your goals

You have a higher chance to achieve your goals if you write them down. Writing your goals down not only forces you to be clear on what exactly it is that you want to accomplish, but doing so also plays a part in motivating you to complete the tasks necessary to be successful. When starting your fitness journey, make sure to set realistic goals that include numbers that can indicate certain milestones. We make sure to ask all our clients about their goals before starting their first session in order to plan out a road map to help them reach their goals as efficiently as possible.

Body measurement

By measuring body composition, an individualized health plan can be created to best fit your goals and personal needs. This is a great way to keep track of your fitness journey but should not become something that you become obsessed with. Ideally, you would have the same person measure you every four weeks, making note of the different changes your body is going through. Having the same trainer measure you each time is important as different trainers may have different methods when it comes to measuring. Measuring under consistent circumstances. If using a smart scale and tape measurement, be sure to measure under the same conditions each time. Hydration, food intake, same equipment, and skin temperature can also affect body fat measurements. The reason why we don’t just use your body weight as a reference to how you are progressing is that body weight doesn’t always give you the whole story about your body throughout your fitness journey. you may notice the number fluctuates each day. Sometimes this could be down to water retention due to hormones or an excessive salt intake. Drink lots of water and lower your salt intake to avoid fluid retention and stop stressing over the number on the scale.

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